Wednesday 28 October 2015

Question 5 of evaluation

Question 4 of evalutaion

Q4: How well did you meet the brief?
The aim of the task was to create a piece that consisted of a character entering a room and exchanging a few lines of dialogue with another person. This is what we did in our preliminary task, although this task was only a practise, we wanted to make it more exciting. This is why added a narrative to our story line, to make it more excitable.

We obeyed the 180 degree rule within our task, we demonstrated this through the conversation through me and Courtney at the end. I have created a GIF at the side, to demonstrate our use of
 I180 degree rule. We have correctly matched our lefts and
our rights, to make it look like we're having an actual
conversation. To make our conversation look real, we used the shot/reverse shot. It was quite weird just talking to the camera and not actually talking to Courtney. But I think that Niamh did a good job on editing this scene, to make it look like we were actually having a conversation. This was all our first attempts of using shot reverse shot, so it took quite a few takes to get it right. However these techniques contributed to the continuity of the task, without them, the short film wouldn't be believable for the viewers.

I believe we also demonstrated match on action, in our task. We successfully cut from one scene to another, making it seem like both scenes were shot in the same place. It made continuity flow, therefore made the task more believable. 

Question 3 of evaluation

If you click on the link, it should take you to my answer to question 3.

Question 2 of evaluation

Question 1 of evaluation

Thursday 22 October 2015

Preliminary Task- the final product

This is the final product of our preliminary task. In general the shooting of the whole task went quite smoothly. Although Niamh broke the media cuboured when she went to return a camera. Fortunately a year 13 was able to fix it, so overall our preliminary task was a success, and I hope you've enjoyed watching it:).

Thursday 8 October 2015

Storyboard vlog

•Credits will dissolve out on screen when the video starts playing.
•We wanted fox music to start playing, however we're not a Hollywood film production.
•Courtney (the main character) has her headphones in during this scene, the music the viewer hears is what's playing in the headphones.
•When the headphones are removed, the viewer can hear natural sounds again.
•I (hyleana) is looking behind Courtney, creating tension.
•Hear the creaking of the door to evoke tension and create a bigger build up.
•As Courtney walks through the door, I walk around the corner

•Push in close up of Courtney's face.
•Zoom out

•Before entering classroom, music is stopped
•Both in the shot of shot/reverse shot 
to show that dialogue is being spoken